Bylaws of the Washington State 12th Legislative District Democrats 


The name of the organization shall be the 12th Legislative District Democratic Organization, hereinafter referred to as the 12th LD. 


  1. To express the Democratic Party’s basic principles of inclusion and diversity by welcoming all 12th LD residents who share Democratic values in organizational activities. 
  2. To contribute to the development and advancement of ideals and principles that constitute the core values of the Democratic Party. 
  3. To promote such actions as to ensure that all levels of government function for the common good of both its current residents and future generations. 
  4. To build and maintain an effective Democratic organization for the purpose of:
    1. Recruiting, supporting, and electing candidates to office who reflect the values and positions of the 12th LD. 
    2. Promoting positions on issues of public policy that are consistent with the values and positions of the 12th LD. 
    3. Maximizing Democratic votes in all elections. 


  1. All persons residing within the geographic boundaries of the 12th LD who declare themselves to be Democrats shall be eligible to be members of this organization. 
  2. Membership shall also be granted to the Chairperson of each county Democratic Central Committee having precincts within the 12th LD. 
  3. All PCOs and members shall have full voting privileges on matters coming before the body with the following exceptions as per statutes of the State of Washington and these Bylaws. 
  4. Voting privileges at Bi-Annual Reorganization meetings shall be restricted to those Democratic Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) duly elected in the primary elections immediately preceding said meeting and consistent with Washington State Democrats Bylaws. 
  5. Membership dues shall be $20.00 per year. Persons may apply for a waiver of partial or full fee. 



  1. An elected Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) is one who is elected in the primary election by the voters in the precinct in which they reside. 
  2. An appointed PCO is one who is a resident of the county and precinct and is appointed by the County Chair. 
  3. No vacant PCO position shall be filled by appointment during the period between the primary election and the reorganization meeting. 


  1. Elected officers of the 12th LD shall be: Chair, Vice-Chair, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman, Secretary, and Treasurer. 
  2. Other officers to be appointed by the Chair shall be: 
    1. Sergeant at Arms
      • To welcome and assist guests and maintain decorum in the meeting room.
    2. Parliamentarian 
      • To advise on procedural issues and assist the Chairperson as requested.
  3. Duties of these officers shall be: 
    1. Chair 
      • The Chair shall call and preside over meetings and other administrative business of the organization and shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the 12th LD and Executive Board.
    2. Vice Chair
      • The Vice Chair shall serve in the absence of the Chair and perform such other duties as assigned by the Chair. In the event the Chair position is vacated, for any reason, the Vice Chair shall become the Chair and the Executive Board shall select a new Vice Chair.
    3. State Committee Members
      • The 12th LD Committeeman and Committeewoman shall represent the membership of the 12th LD to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee and report to the membership regarding the business of the State Committee.
    4. Secretary
      • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and all records of the organization except those assigned to other officers. The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the members of the time and place of all meetings.
    5. Treasurer
      • The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds, keep accurate accounts and deposit all monies in a bank designated by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall make all required reports to the Public Disclosure Commission and provide financial reports to the 12th LD.



Officers shall be elected at a 12th LD reorganization meeting following the general election held in November of even-numbered years. Meeting shall be held within a reasonable number of days prior to the State Central Committee reorganization meeting. The following rules shall apply to the specific election of reorganization: 

  1. Eligible voters must be elected PCOs. 
  2. There shall be no proxies. 
  3. Signed ballots shall be required. 
  4. Notice shall be given to all qualified PCO’s by phone, e-mail or USPS whichever shall reach the person. 



Meetings of the 12th LD General Membership shall be held at least four (4) times a year. Quorum for all meetings shall consist of at least six (6) members. 


The Executive Board (E-Board) shall be made up of the officers, duly elected and/or appointed as provided by these Bylaws.

  1. The Chair of the Executive Board shall have the authority to act in the name of the 12th LD between the scheduled meetings, but shall make no policy decision until the matter shall be presented to the membership for ratification. 
  2. The Executive Board may authorize such expenditures as are necessary and reasonable for the operation of the organization needed prior to the regular meeting. 
  3. Executive Board meetings may be called by the Chair and/or three (3) or more members of the Board. 
  4. The Executive Board members shall attend at least three of the 12th LD general membership meetings per year. Failure to do this can be cause for removal from office by the Executive Board on advice of the Executive Advisory Board (EAB). 


  1. The Executive Advisory Board (EAB) shall consist of the following members duly elected or appointed as provided by the Bylaws: 
    1. The elected officers of the 12th LD. 
    2. The Chairs of the Chelan, Douglas, Snohomish & King County Democratic Central Committees. 
    3. One member of the Democratic Party from each of the above counties, to be appointed by the Chair of that county. 
    4. Five (5) members constitute a quorum. 
    5. The Chair of the 12th LD shall serve as the Chairperson of the EAB and may utilize e-mail as a means to communicate and conduct business with the EAB. 
  2. The Executive Advisory Board (EA Board) shall: 
    1. Make recommendations to the 12th LD on matters of concern to the membership. 
    2. Act as a screening committee for candidates seeking support from the 12th LD. Upon receipt of a request from the Chair and such information as the EA Board deems sufficient, the EA Board shall make a written recommendation to the 12th LD regarding Candidates or ballot measures. 
  3. Special and Standing Committees of the EAB: 
    1. All committees must have at least three (3) members appointed by the Executive Advisory Board. 
    2. The Chair of the 12th LD shall be an automatic member of every committee. 
    3. The Chairperson of standing committees will present to the EAB, plans of how their assigned task is to be accomplished and progress reports as requested by the Chair of the 12th LD. 
    4. No committee shall incur any expenditure involving this organization unless authorized by the Executive Board of the 12th LD. 
    5. Upon retirement from the position of Chair all records, mailing lists, books, etc. belonging to the 12th LD shall be relinquished to the Executive Board. 
  4. The EAB will be responsible for advising the EC on removal from office of any EC members or EAB members. 


  1. These Bylaws shall become effective upon adoption by a majority of those members present and voting at a duly called 12th LD General Membership meeting with notice of Bylaw consideration given. 
  2. The organization shall operate under the laws of the State of Washington, the National and Washington State Charter of the Democratic Party. 
  3. In any situation not expressly covered by these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern. 
  4. The retiring Chair shall relinquish all property of the 12th LD including all books, mailing lists, computer records and all other supplies to the newly elected Chairperson upon conclusion of the biennial Reorganization meeting. 
  5. Meetings of the 12th LD may be held virtually, in person or in a hybrid model due to the distance between the counties. All efforts will be made to ensure inclusivity for all members. 


  1. No amendments to these Bylaws shall be considered unless notice of proposed amendments shall have been given to each County Chair within the 12th LD and each member of the 12th LD Executive Board at least fifteen (15) days in advance of proposed action. 
  2. Bylaws may be amended by affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of membership in attendance at the meeting where such action is scheduled. 
  3. The 12th LD may, from time to time, adopt additional procedural rules consistent with these Bylaws for the conduct of meetings or the handling of special matters, or relating to the operation of other Party Organizations. Such rules may be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the membership. 


  1. The 12th LD may take the following actions with respect to support for candidates seeking elected office by election or appointment: 
    1. Endorsement and full support by the Executive Board; 
      1. Be limited to one candidate per office in each primary or general election, 
      2. Require a 50%+1 majority of the members present and voting, 
    2. Approval, allowing candidates access to mailing lists and other assistance as the Executive Board feels is prudent. Approval requires a simple majority (50%+1) of the members present and voting and may be granted to more than one (1) candidate per elected position. 
    3. Non-endorsement with No official support from the 12th LD 
    4. No action 
  2. Candidates or Election Committees seeking assistance from the 12th LD, shall contact the Chair, who shall present the request to the Executive Board and may request the candidate to: 
    1. Submit a written application to the Executive Board (a format from the Executive Board) 
    2. Appear in person before the Executive Board.(in which the same format will be used for each candidate.) 


CHAIR (Signature): __________________________________ 

CHAIR (Printed): Alma Chacon